Little Witch Academia (リトルウィッチアカデミア Ritoru Witchi Akademia ) is a manga series based on the eponymous anime franchise illustrated by Terio Teri and published in Shueisha's Ultra Jump magazine. The first one-shot chapter was published on August 19, 2013. The other chapters were published between August 19, 2015 and November 20, 2015 and was compiled in a single tankōbon volume released on January 19, 2016.
Atsuko Kagari enrolls into Luna Nova Academy, a school for young witches, after being inspired at a young age by a witch named Shiny Chariot, and often spends her days hanging with her classmates, Lotte and Sucy. However, she has trouble paying attention in class, doesn't know how to ride her broom, and is often looked down upon for admiring Chariot, whom many believe gives the wrong impression about witches.
- Atsuko Kagari
- Lotte Jansson
- Sucy Manbavaran
- Diana Cavendish
- Ursula Callistis/Shiny Chariot
- Hannah England
- Barbara Parker
Unique Characters[]
List of Chapters[]
- Though unconfirmed, this manga series may very well takes place in the same continuity as short films.
- For more images related to Little Witch Academia (Terio Teri Manga), see the file category: Category:Manga artwork.